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超好用的网站克隆机 HTTrack

Welcome to HTTrack Website Copier (Offline Browser) 3.49-2

Copyright (C) 1998-2017 Xavier Roche and other contributors

To see the option list, enter a blank line or try httrack --help

1. 输入待生成的项目名称

Enter project name :progit

2. 输入待保存的项目所在的路径

Base path (return=/Users/apple/websites/) :/Users/apple/Desktop

3. 输入需要克隆的网站的 url

Enter URLs (separated by commas or blank spaces) :https://progit.bootcss.com/


(enter) 1 Mirror Web Site(s)

2 Mirror Web Site(s) with Wizard

3 Just Get Files Indicated

4 Mirror ALL links in URLs (Multiple Mirror)

5 Test Links In URLs (Bookmark Test)

0 Quit


4. 没有特别要求直接回车即可

Proxy (return=none) :

You can define wildcards, like: -*.gif +www.*.com/*.zip -*img_*.zip

5. 没有特别要求直接回车即可

Wildcards (return=none) :

You can define additional options, such as recurse level (-r), separated by blank spaces

To see the option list, type help

6. 没有特别要求直接回车即可

Additional options (return=none) :

---> Wizard command line: httrack https://progit.bootcss.com/ -O "/Users/apple/Desktop/progit" -%v

Ready to launch the mirror? (Y/n) :Y

Mirror launched on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 11:54:40 by HTTrack Website Copier/3.49-2 XR&CO'2014

mirroring https://progit.bootcss.com/ with the wizard help..


Thanks for using HTTrack!
